Welcome to Long Haul’s Supplemental Materials page.
Here you’ll find sample audio reels that reflect the two types of work we dO:
1) Documentary Audio Sample Reel
2) Impact Story Audio Sample reel
And, Last but not least, find:
3) the “List of Links,” which include links to material & organizations referenced throughout our application.
1) Documentary Audio Sample Reel
This reflects our DOCUMENTARY work for public radio/broadcast/podcast audiences. Access the full transcript here.
2) Impact Story Audio Sample Reel
This reflects our work as storytelling consultants. Access the full transcript here.
3) The “List of Links”
Links RELEVANT TO our Narrative:
Long Haul Productions: Our website, which is currently undergoing a yearly remodel; pardon any dust!
StoryCorps Studios: the StoryCorps department for which we do most of our editing/production.
Radio Harbor Country (our community-run radio/podcasting station)
Michigan Radio (we have contributed multiple stories to MR; the link is just an example)
NPR (National Public Radio). Long Haul has had dozens of stories on NPR’s national shows over the years; the link above just references one, a series on military suicides.
New Troy Community Center/Friends of New Troy: the subject of one of our current documentary projects
Laudato Si Institute/University of Notre Dame: These Impact Stories are referenced in the narrative & in our Impact Stories Sample Reel.
links RELEVANT TO OUR bios:
ESPN, specifically The Lights of Wrigleyville, a documentary we produced for their 30 for 30 podcast.
This American Life. Long Haul has contributed several stories; the one we’ve linked here won the Edward R. Murrow award & a Peabody Bronze Baton for the show.
Third Coast International Audio Awards: Long Haul has won multiple Third Coast awards, listed here.
United States Artists Donnelley Fellowship page. Executive staff Collison & Meister received this prestigious fellowship in recognition of their groundbreaking collaborative work.
The Chicago Project Exhibition at the Smart Museum of Art/Photographer Dawoud Bey in collaboration with Executive Director Dan Collison & Editor/Producer Elizabeth Meister: the print catalogue from a museum exhibition at the Smart Museum of Art.
The BQE at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Editor/Producer Elizabeth Meister was the primary project researcher
Scenes From a Transplant, a full-length documentary film based on a radio documentary, produced by Executive Director Dan Collison and Board President Tom Jennings for HBO.
Widmann Financial, our financial advisors.